Install DavMail as an Exchange gateway on uberpsace 7
Installing TT-RSS on uberspace 7
Use Stunnel as an HTTPS-proxy for your OpenVPN connection
OpenVPN Server Gateway with Obfsproxy (SOCKS5)
Installing Leafnode-2 using Linuxbrew on uberspace
Automatically mounting a LUKS/dm_crypt partition on user login using pam
Installing Leafnode using Linuxbrew
tt-rss with postgresql on uberspace
InfCloud in conjunction with Baikal
Google Maps API
Printing PDF-booklets under linux
Use spyder 2 with KDE 4
Release upgrade an unsupported version of ubuntu
Use multiple dropbox accounts at the same time
Firefox add-ons
how to... batch download and rename
Limit the Bandwidth apt is using
Upgrade Kubuntu Lucid 10.04.02 LTS to Maverick 10.10
how to... Backup your home directory
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